
Thursday, December 11, 2014

Katie Carley's Seed Story

For the past semester I have been working with Katie Carley in our Story Of The Seed project.  Even though I have been working with her for about three months I still don't know how she feels or what she has learned from this project.  However today I finally have the chance to interview the elusive Katie Carley.

Me: What are some things that you have learned or surprised you throughout our project?

Katie: I learned about the genetic diversity of plants and why species from the same family can look so different. I also leaned how much work it takes to keep a plant alive and healthy. So from the beginning  of the project  I learned what brassica oleracea, so I found it cool that a lot of the vegetables I eat come from the same family.  I found it fascinated how big of a role my plant plays in the bio- geo chemical cycles.

Me: What has made you laugh?

Katie:  It made me laugh about how little I knew about my plant. I also enjoyed being in the garden working with my friends. But mostly, I just had a lot of fun on this project.

Me:  What made you stop and think deeply about our plant?

Katie: It was puzzling to me as to why the kohlrabi plant was growing so close to ours. It made me think how it got there and how it would survive. This incident made me think about all the adaptation our plant needs to survive. 

Me: Do you have any questions about what you saw?

Katie: I'm curious to know why how all of the large amount of caterpillars got into the garden. I also would like to know if they like a specific plant. Another question I have about the garden is I have to wonder how many plants are in one garden box. Based on observations I had seen many plants and weeds in one box and I want to know how many different species there are. I also want to know which plants are dominant, "the winners of the competition".

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